Friday 6 April 2012

New training.

Drank myself sober yesterday and took it handy on diet all week so back on form starting tomorrow.

Want to incorporate at least 2 days of sprints + 1 day road running into my training now that im finished college before exams.

Diet I guess will be 100 gr carbs post workout on cardio days and no carb + protein shakes the rest of the week.

Weight training will still be 2 days squatting with deadlifts thrown in on the ME session.
Bench training 1 day
Overhead pressing another.
1 day for random stuff

Studying every day starting tomorrow with no drinking before the wedding. 

Thursday 22 March 2012

Training cycle over. 200 kg squat to the floor

REady one week out so plenty time to hit up dynaic effort. I squatted 200 kg past parallel so i should get that on my second attempt followed by a 202.5 kg third attempt next week.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

exactly where i want to be give or take

Im 10 days out from my weigh in in Limerick. I better book my hotel now...

Currently 77 kg and will get down to 75.

Two traumatic days were endured after Paddys day. I got so fucking drunk, I thought I had gone deaf.

Hit up some Dynamic effort Lower body tonight
-Work up to 140kg x3 fast
-not arsed to hit 160+
-6 sets of 3 jumping squats with 100 kg nice and fast.
-Very fast deadlift doubles with 120 konstantin Konstantinov, trying to jump in the air.
- Leg press 5 x 8

Volume has and will stay down for the next week. I have some work to do tomorrow and hope i make the gym regardless. If I dont, the next day Ill train will involve the bench press.

- Work up to single with pause.
- Incline Press 5 x 8
-Planch push ups 5 x 2
-Tricep pushdowns.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Deadlift BTns

Last night I put in a poor performance on the deadlift....again only working up to 200 with 190 for a semi fast double

10 kg (250 kg) pr on my accessory reverse band deads though...

Today i missed 100 kg on BTNS but did some sets with 90 and 80 which is fine.

Also did some tricep dips off the gymnastics rings.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

bench wednesday +another mcdonalds i think

Hitting up McDonalds with total abandon after a long day. Gonna train first though.

Again...looking for speed so ill train bench again with some bridges + high rep abs on the GHR at the end.

5 sets of 3 fast working up to around 85%
5 sets of 2 with bands

Dumbell Press 4 x 8

Flat press with weights hanging off the bands. 3 x 8


Tuesday 13 March 2012

Shitty enough nights training

Brutal Szechaun there. Im so fucking tired and weak after that deadlift session a few days ago lol. Yesterday I hit some marathon rep stuff, i.e 10 rep sets (cardio to me) on the steel log and chins etc.

Wanted to work up to a nice squat double today. Instead I was so fucking immobile that I had to stretch like crazy before i could even squat 100! Worked up to 160 for 2 but it was hard. I needed ammonia just to wake the fuck up.
Whatever...I still tried to go as dynamic as possible close stance with 100 kg to the floor. I even had to make a bit of noise for the effort.

Tried to do some lunges but I wouldnt stop cramping up. Tomorrow should be a better day.